Friday, July 17, 2009

Kelly Ripa's Fitness Secrets

KELLY RIPA reveals in the latest issue of Fitness, on stands now, some of her secrets for looking so good.

"For the first time, I have muscles!" the 37-year-old co-host of ABC's "Live with Regis and Kelly" proudly tells the magazine. "I am totally hooked on this sculpting class ... it's transformed my body in ways I never thought possible."

Kelly adds that she's also been getting a lot of support from her husband, MARK CONSUELOS, when it comes to her new fitness kick.

"The great thing about Mark is that he's so encouraging," she says. "When I was pregnant with my first son and I gained 68 pounds, Mark made me feel like the Queen of Sheba everyday -- 'You're so beautiful, you're so gorgeous.'"

But the married mother of three does admit to a few confidence-boosting tricks. "I buy jeans that are tight in the read end," Kelly says. "I'm not kidding. I treat my cheeks like breasts in a push-up bra."